Program Schedule
October 16th

10:30 StarGazer    
10:35 Red Dwarf D.N.A. Listers curry is frightening enough on a plate, imagine what happens when it's tranmogrified into a giant man eating monster...
Or even more terifying, Kryten as a human wanting to discuss his polaroid collection.
11:05 Dr Who The Ambasadors
of Death

episode 1 of 7
The long awaited return of Mars Probe 7 has everyone tense with anticipation. But the Doctor is less eager than wary.
11:30 Dr Who The Ambasadors
of Death

episode 2 of 7
Someone doesn't want the authorites to retreive Mars Probe 7 Can the Doctor figure out who or why in time to save day?
11:55 Blakes 7 Orac It's a race to claim the most powerful computer in the Universe. Servelan has her eyes on the Prize, but Blake has other plans.
Will orac herald Salvation or Destruction?!?!?

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OR For Complete Episode Listings visit:
Thad's Red Dwarf Episode Guide
Shannon Patrick Sullivans Breif History of Time(Dr Who)
Blakes 7 Episode Synopsis & Scripts

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