[Sffn] Red Dwarf

Bruce foust at mchsi.com
Sat May 7 21:53:11 CDT 2005

You would think with the new Doctor and the new Hitchhiker movie out, They
IPTV would update the SFSN. But, as seen and not heard from them.   Do they
know what is going on???

*fade to dark*

NO wonder that the whole station is going down hill.       message ends.....


At 04:43 PM 5/7/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>i guess my question is how can they bring in bucks for sci-fi if they
>don't have a pledge night for it?
>they didn't last time...
>no money = no shows but they don't seem o be trying to get money to put
>the shows on anymore.
>`Hahaha. Mine is an evil laugh'
> TRS13    http://www.trs13.com

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