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June 22nd






Red Dwarf

Krytie TV

Suffering the indignity of being branded a woman has Kryten singing the blues. However one mechanoids troubles are another humans dreams and soon thanks to a bit of reprogramming, Krytie TV is on the air... It's first big hit? Ladies Shower Night Featuring Kochanski!



DR Who

Castrovalva 3 of 4

HAving escaped the Masters scheme to destroy the TARDIS the Doctor Nyssa and Teegan have come to Castrovalva for the Doc to recover and hopefully remeber who he is.
Of course the Master isn't really done with them yet and in fact they are already hip deep in his latest greatest way to humiliate and destroy the Doctor.



DR Who

Castrovalva 4 of 4



Space Island One


Burial in space may someday gain widespread acceptance but even the UNITY crew thinks it's a bit odd. Of course they have every right to when a shifty entrepreneur invades the station with a somewhat unusual sarcphagus filled with... well there's the rub...

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